Providing Concierge {at-home} Physical Therapy & wellness Services

in Birmingham, Al 35244

Manual Therapy

Dry Needling

Therapeutic Exercise

Myofascial Release

Cupping Therapy

Private Yoga Instruction


Request a free phone consultation!

 Recover Faster. Move Better. Live Healthier

Reach your life and health goals in the comfort of your own home or office…convenient and flexible scheduling, no crowded waiting rooms or gym, and personalized one-on-one treatment that is designed with only you in mind!!

Recover from injury or surgery

Recover from surgery or injury

Reduce chronic pain and immobility

Improve your quality of life

 Meet your therapist!

Kaye Sharp MS PT, WHNC

Kaye is the owner of Sharp Physical Therapy & Health Consulting where she specializes in manual therapy, trigger point dry needling, therapeutic yoga, and women’s health and nutrition coaching. Her unique approach comes from over 20 years of patient care experience. Kaye has a passion for helping clients progress towards better health and freedom from disease, chronic pain, and musculoskeletal injury through her holistic approach to healthcare.

 Let me bring the therapy to you!

At-Home Physical Therapy

Schedule your initial consultation and evaluation at your convenience. Together we will create an individualized plan to get you back to the life you want and love!

Virtual Physical Therapy

Virtual sessions are easier than you think! When we schedule your appointment you will receive an email with all the information needed to join your Virtual Session. Simply click on the Zoom link in the confirmation email to open the meeting in your Zoom app (easy to find in your app store) or on your web browser. We can meet on any smart device including phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop.


Be the BEST version of yourself…

balanced, healthy, and pain free!