Get Your Sexy Back!
HEALTHY is the new SEXY! Are you wondering where yours went? Are you stuck in a rut of feeling like crap, suffering from fatigue, sleeplessness, bloating, irritability, and mood swings? Have you been trying to lose the same 10 (15, 20, 30) pounds for the past few years? Do you have a muffin top that just won’t budge? Have you been diagnosed with hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, low thyroid, and depression? Join the crowd, girlfriend, and take a seat. You are in very good company….
The great news is, YOU DON’T HAVE TO FEEL THIS WAY!!! There are simple steps you can take to GET YOUR SEXY BACK, get healthy, and feel comfortable in your own body again. Put your Prozac away and dive in!
1. Change the way you think: Take 5 minutes each day to be grateful for the wonderful things and people in your life. Do some deep breathing. Write it down.
Too busy to be grateful…… find quiet times in your car, office, kitchen, or bathroom to take a 5 minute time out. YOU deserve it.
2. Change your nutrition:
Eliminate all sugar, processed foods, & sodas (yes- your diet coke HAS to go)
Eat WHOLE FOODS- fruits and veges (organic is best, click here to read more)
Increase your protein- try making a protein smoothie every day
Use the Triple Threat Plan to control blood sugar with each meal and snack: protein + healthy fat + fiber
breakfast: eggs (cook in coconut oil) + ham (nitrate free) + vege (maybe leftover from dinner)
snack: apple + almond butter or almonds+unsweetened coconut flakes (organic)+ raisins
lunch: green salad (balsamic vinegar & olive oil dressing) + lean (clean) meat + avocado
dinner: lean (clean) meat + vege (or sweet potato with butter) + quinoa
Switch out your BAD FATS (vegetable oils, trans fat) for GOOD FATS (coconut, olive, avocado, and nut oils)
Eat dark chocolate (1-2 oz per day)
3. Take supplements: Women MUST have a good multivitamin everyday as well as Vitamin D3, extra points for Fish Oil Omega 3
Other supplements may be needed for specific hormonal imbalances
4. Sleep Sleep Sleep: 7-8 hours per night is the norm. Do you know if you are getting enough sleep? Depends on how many times you hit the snooze button in the morning!!!
Light from your phone, iPad, and TV screen actually prevent you from getting the restorative sleep you need for proper hormone balance and weight loss. Turn off all unnatural light 1-2 hours before you go to sleep to reset your natural circadian rhythm.
5. Move Move Move: Get some exercise!! 30-45 minutes 4-5 times per week of moderate intensity exercise is all you need. The best time to exercise is the exact time you feel like you need another cup of coffee or sugary snack to make it through the day. This feeling is an indication that you may have low cortisol- the main hormone responsible for GETTING YOUR SEXY BACK!! Take a walk, do some yoga, get your body moving!! DO NOT SIT AT YOUR COMPUTER OR DESK ALL DAY WITHOUT MOVING YOUR BODY! Death by chair= not sexy ;)
Don’t sit in the backseat of your life! Start making small changes TODAY to get healthier and feel your best!