Dry Needling is a skilled intervention performed by a physical therapist that uses a thin filiform needle to penetrate the skin and stimulate underlying myofascial trigger points, muscular and connective tissues for the management of neuromusculoskeletal pain and movement impairments (American Physical Therapy Association Dry Needling Task Force, May, 2012)
This is a manual technique used to treat pain at known trigger points in skeletal muscle tissue. These trigger points are related to certain referral patterns in the body. These patterns have been proven through evidence based research dating back to the 1970's. Much of the chronic pain you feel in your body are related hyperirritable spots found within a taut band of skeletal muscle ( otherwise known as fascia). These painful spots produce common symptoms of tenderness to touch, pain and stiffness with movement, as well as numbness and tingling along the referral pattern.
Dry Needling is often used to increase circulation, decrease pain, and enhance movement. Used along with other treatments including manual therapy and exercise, it can help you reach your health goals faster and with better recovery times.
Give it a try!
Kaye PT
Trigger Point Dry Needling